“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”
-Brené Brown.
I remember a time when comfort was my constant companion. It was fun and easy, it kept me stuck in my mundane job, living my uninspired life and keeps me from living my integrity -filled life. I was so focused on staying safe and staying secure that I let my dreams stay dreams and closed myself off to my future.
I have always wanted to own my own business. It was, for a long long time, just that - a dream. It was always out of reach, out of my comfort zone and absolutely without a doubt; scary. I wasn’t just scared of failure; I was scared of judgment, of shame, of telling the truth, of being seen, of being inspirational most of all, I was scared of success.
And so I stayed firmly in the comfort of a job that put food on the table and a roof over my head. I stayed in the thought pattern that to fail was not an option, so I never tried. I stayed planted in the notion that opening my own business and being the woman I knew I wanted to be was too scary and too outside my comfort zone, so I stayed. Feet Planted. Deeply rooted. And deeply unhappy.

2020: it has been quite a year for me, well, it has been quite a year for the Earth.
I, like many others across the world, was laid off because of the global pandemic that swept and is still affecting life as we know it.
Eventually, I entered into a discussion with my partner about what it would look like if I started this business that I have been dreaming of for so long. It was a conversation of ‘what ifs’ and ‘if thens’ and ‘oh shits’! A few days later, I was deep in Brené Brown’s ‘Rising Strong’ and as I turned the page, these words crashed over me like a tidal wave “integrity is choosing courage over comfort…”
I knew that this was my chance to not take the easy way in life, to not let my dream of owning my own business keep me in the constant dream state and to stand in my integrity and choose me.
And I did. I chose courage, I chose integrity, I chose me. This is why you are reading this now. This is my first post as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, as my own boss and as the courageous woman I know I am.
Today, I am choosing me, my future and my dreams and leaving the known, the safe and the secure in the dust. Yes, it is scary. It just might be the scariest thing I have ever done. But I also don’t doubt for one moment that it is exactly what I need to be doing right now.
My mission now is to inspire other women who may feel stuck in their safety and security to take a step of faith, into the unknown, into your higher calling, into your future.